Inicio : FAQ : Instalación rápida de una IRCD (Unreal).
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UnrealIRCD es una de las mejores ircd para mi gusto es muy funcional y rápida y tiene muchas opciones muy interesantes.

Compilación e Instalación

Primero que todo, debemos bajar el source de UnrealIRCD y descomprimirlo.
[login@Shell-Mx]$ tar -xzf Unreal3.2.3.tar.gz 
Ahora debemos ingresar al directorio donde descomprimimos nuestro Anope.
[login@Shell-Mx]$ cd Unreal3.2.3
Enseguida, debemos dejar que el instalador revise nuestro sistema y compruebe que todo lo requerido para el proceso de compilación se encuentre en orden.
[login@Shell-Mx/Unreal3.2.3]$ ./Config
Leemos la información que aparece.
Do you have an insecure operating system and therefore want to
use the server anti-spoof protection?
[No] -> [enter]

What directory are all the server configuration files in?
[/home/login/Unreal3.2.3] -> [enter]

What is the path to the ircd binary including the name of the binary?
[/home/login/Unreal3.2.3/src/ircd] -> [enter]
Nota: La diferencia entre Hub y Leaf radica en que el primero lo debemos elegir si tenemos un servidor al que vamos a linkar varios servidores. Si a nuestro servidor no se va a linkar nadie, debemos compilarlo como leaf.
Would you like to compile as a hub or as a leaf?
Type Hub to select hub and Leaf to select leaf.
[Hub] -> [enter]

What is the hostname of the server running your IRCd?
[] -> [enter]

What should the default permissions for your configuration files be?
(Set this to 0 to disable)
It is strongly recommended that you use 0600 to prevent unwanted
reading of the file
[0600] -> [enter]

Do you want to support SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) connections?
[No] -> [enter]

Do you want use encrypted oper {} passwords?
[Yes] -> [enter]

Do you want use encrypted incoming link {} passwords?
[No] -> [enter]

Do you want to use encrypted drpass {} passwords?
[No] -> [enter]

Do you want to use encrypted allow {} passwords?
[No] -> [enter]

Do you want to enable IPv6 support?
[No] -> [enter]

What listen() backlog value do you wish to use?  Some older servers
have problems with more than 5, others work fine with many more.
[5] -> [enter]

How far back do you want to keep the nickname history?
[2000] -> [enter]

What is the maximum sendq length you wish to have?
[3000000] -> [enter]

How many buffer pools would you like?
This number will be multiplied by MAXSENDQLENGTH.
[9] -> [enter]

How many file descriptors (or sockets) can the IRCd use?
[1024] -> [enter]

Would you like any more parameters to configure?
Write them here:
[]-> [enter]
Después copilamos:
[login@Shell-Mx/Unreal3.2.3]$ make
Una vez alli copia el fichero examples.conf por unrealircd.conf, y lo modificas a tu gusto.

Bajar un ejemplo de la configuración de un unrealircd.conf [Click aquí]

Después arrancamos la ircd:
[login@Shell-Mx/Unreal3.2.3]$ ./unreal start

Editado Por: Jorge Inda (qdeck)

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